The Invitation

You are invited to come dine with me,
From now through all eternity.
Believe in the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
And dine with Jesus as your host.
To live in heaven eternally,
All you must do is...

Come To The Table

by Elton Smith and Larry Holder

Come to the table,
There is room for all.
The bread is served,
The wine is poured.
Behold our Savior
Hear His loving call,
He shows The Way,
He is The Door.

We are invited now
So let us enter in.
No one denied,
None turned away.
The Savior calls to us
So let the feast begin,
Enter the everlasting day.

Come to the table,
leave your past behind,
Lay all your cares before His throne.
Abundant mercy,
His forgiveness find,
Rejoice in your eternal home!

We are invited now
So let us enter in.
No one denied,
None turned away.
The Savior calls to us
So let the feast begin,
Enter the everlasting day.

Come to the table,
Bring your neighbors, too.
Plead with them all to come inside.
Tell of the One
Who makes each heart brand new,
In whom our souls are satisfied!

We are invited now
So let us enter in.
No one denied,
None turned away.
The Savior calls to us
So let the feast begin,
Enter the everlasting day.


Inspiration Page


The Invitation by Danny Hahlbohm