Since no man walks upon this spot, Is this a land that God forgot?
Temperatures soar beyond one's mind, No water there that one can find.
All that lies on this desert floor, Is a scorching, hot, deserted morgue;
Beady-eyed vultures circle high, But nothing else to break the sky.

Desolate, barren, white bones or skulls, Bare rocks, dry sand, colorless, dull;
Do you think God creates a place, Then leaves without some sign of grace?
God has compassion for all lands, And He's adorned these desert sands;
Wild flowers every Spring appear, Mysterious blooms, year after year.

Sunrise is God's special treat, Pristine and cool before day's heat;
Then floodgates open, the sun explodes, A pure gold world is then disclosed.
But God's greatest gift comes at day's end, For then His artistry begins;
Sunsets ... orange, yellow, red, Purple shadows vastly spread.

Colors of such gorgeous splendor, A painting God alone can render;
Each twilight better than before, No two alike; each varies more.
How can this be a land forgot? One sunset proves that God has not,
This awesome land, bequeathed to man, Is just exactly as God planned.